

A Diverse Set of Skills


1998年: チリ、タルカ マウレ・カソリック大学にて、脊髄損傷に関する神経学的リハビリテーションを学ぶ

2001年:チリ、タルカ マウレ・カソリック大学にて、対脊髄損傷プログラムを開発

2003年:チリ、タルカ キネシオロジストとして、マウレ・カソリック大学卒業

2003年:チリ、サンティアゴ ピラティスを学ぶ

2003年:メキシコ、サン ミゲル デ アジェンデ 神経学的リハビリテーションを学び、理学療法士として、脳性麻痺、外傷性脳損傷、神経筋疾患、脊髄損傷、坐骨関連の症状を患う患者の治療にあたる


− アクアフィットネスとヨガプログラムを修了後、米国フィットネス協会の認定会員となる
− ファインディングセンターにて、セラピーピラティスインストラクター

2008年:米国ハワイ州マウイ島に移住 ピラティスインストラクターとして働く。「神経系の理解をピラティスに導入」や、「ニューロキネシスベイビートレーニング」等の数々のコースを教える。高いパフォーマンスを実現するプログラムを開発し、プロスキー選手ジュリア・マンクーソと取り組む。





Body Wellness Hawaiiのマスターティーチャーであり、スタジオの全インストラクターは彼女のトレーニングを受けている。





2012年:Body Wellness Hawaiiスタジオをハワイ州マウイ島に設立

2013年:Body Wellness Chileスタジオをチリ、サンティアゴに設立

2014年:米国オリンピック委員会より、メダリストのチームから選ばれたコーチの功績を讃える「Order of Ikkos」賞を受賞。オリンピック・パラリンピック選手として活躍したアスリートに対する卓越したコーチの功績を讃え、メダルが授与される。

2015年:米国ハワイ州マウイ島 バラル・インスティチュートによる資格取得のコースに参加開始。





在米中、オリンピック選手ジュリア・マンクーソのアシスタントを務め、股関節に故障を患った彼女の身体を最善のコンディションに導く方法を探求中、アレハンドラに出会う。アレハンドラの神経系に働きかける手法がジュリアのパフォーマンスを高めるのに効果的だと確信し、アレハンドラと共にジュリアの身体に取り組む。ジュリアはアレハンドラとトレーニングを重ね、2010年冬オリンピックで素晴らしい成績を残した。後、2012年、ニューロキネティックピラティス(NKP)を広めることを目的として、アレハンドラと共にBody Wellness Hawaiiを設立。



2000年:PSIA アダプティブスキープログラム資格取得
2010年: ジュリア・マンクーソが冬オリンピックで銀・銅メダルを取得(アシスタント在任中)
2012年:アレハンドラ・モンサルベと共に、Body Wellness Hawaii設立

Justin St. John

Neuro Kinetic Pilates Instructor – Qualified for High Performance Athlete Program, and Spinal Cord Injury Recovery Program, NKP TRX

Raised on Maui, I have always been active, athletic, movement oriented. I graduated from UCSC with a degree in Politics (International). After graduation I travelled extensively through Europe. I was also drawn to travel and live in Mexico as well as Chile. I found my first calling as a teacher with Americorps. This set me on the journey to become an English teacher in Mexico, where I met Alejandra, and paved the way to me pursuing and receiving my teaching credential. I also taught in Chile before returning to Maui, Hawaii to be a Language Arts teacher at Montessori Maui and most recently a 3rd grade teacher at Makawao Elementary School for the past 4 years. I have been weight training traditional style for about 25 years but really became inspired by fitness on another level after working with the TRX suspension trainer. The ability to train intensively with few reps and no sets and get astounding results in strength, flexibility, conditioning, and all around general improved wellness was inspiring. After receiving the TRX instructor certification from the TRX center in San Francisco, CA, my knowledge of and desire to become a more effective trainer grew. Having the opportunity to learn and work with Alejandra’s Neurokinetic Pilates NKP at the studio only reinforced my enthusiasm and desire to continue pursuing the exploration and understanding of mind, body, spirit, balance, alignment and wellbeing, Bodywellness. I currently Instruct Basic NKP fundamentals, Intermediate NKP, and High Performance NKP.

Naoko Curry

Massage Therapist

Naoko was born and raised in Yokohama, Japan. Since she grew up playing sports and being active, she decided to go to Nippon Sports Science University and graduated with a diploma of physical education to become a teacher. In the meantime, she played women`s rugby from 1990 to 2002. Thanks to being a part of the rugby team, she had great opportunities to meet so many wonderful people inside and outside of Japan.

After having seven years of experience as a physical education teacher in junior high school in her hometown Yokohama, she worked as an instructor at a sports gym in the town. Her job was to provide a short stretching exercise and mini massage to gym members, and gradually she became interested in giving massage, which gave her a feeling of joy. After moving to Maui in 2003, she went to a massage school and got certified as a massage therapist of Hawaii in 2004. She has been practicing as a massage therapist since then.

While she has been working at a few spa and massage places in town, she had started to feel the need of more specific work that she liked to do in her practice. Her background in being an athlete helped her learn some new modalities such as orthopedic technique, Shiatsu, Thai massage, Myofascial release by anatomy train. After all these years of searching for her passion, she met Kazuko and Alejandra, and Neurokinetic Release. She is currently in an apprenticeship program with Kazuko. She has been learning and fascinated by a great team.

Misa Pleski

Massage Therapist

In 2006 Misa came to Maui, Hawaii from Osaka, Japan to learn massage and earned the state of Hawaii Massage Therapist License in 2007.  With years of working at various spas, salons and her own, she started to seek a method that gives clients a more effective treatment.

When her husband strarted to have serious Knee pain in early 2016, she sent him to Body Wellness Hawaii.  After her husband received treatment and training, he was back on his feet and back on the job with no pain.  Misa was so impressed and decided to learn from Body Wellness Hawaii, she spent many hours in their training program so she can follow her passion and join them in helping other people.

Don't Be Shy. Get In Touch.

If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!